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What are the Disadvantages of Data Privacy Vaults?

What are the Disadvantages of Data Privacy Vaults?

Harsh Sahu
March 2024 | 10 mins
7 disadvantages of data privacy vaults
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A data privacy vault is a technology that isolates, secures, and tightly controls access to manage, monitor, and use sensitive data.

Data vault was first introduced by Dan Linstedt in the late 1990s as a method to improve upon the existing data warehousing architectures. Linstedt's goal was to create a methodology that was resilient to changes in the business environment and could handle both historical and current data efficiently.

This led to the development of the Data Vault Model, which is characterized by its flexibility, scalability, and adaptability.

In this blog, learn more about benefits of data privacy vaults and the various disadvantages of data privacy vaults. Understand why data privacy vaults are not an ideal solution for data protection, data storage management and sensitive data protection.

What is data privacy vault?

A data privacy vault is a technology that isolates, secures, and tightly controls access to manage, monitor, and use sensitive data.   Data privacy vaults are an extension from data vaults, introduced to enhance data protection and securely store and access sensitive data.

Examples of data privacy vaults

Examples of data privacy vault models for access control to sensitive data includes:

  • IBM Guardium Data Encryption: This tool offers comprehensive data protection for structured and unstructured data, helping organizations to protect sensitive data from theft while also ensuring compliance with regulations.
  • Oracle Transparent Data Encryption: This solution provides encryption at the database level. It's designed to address privacy and compliance requirements, without changing existing applications.
  • Microsoft Azure Key Vault: This service offers secret management, key management, and certificate management, helping users to control and manage the cryptographic keys and secrets used by cloud apps and services.
  • Vault by HashiCorp: This tool addresses the problem of secret management by providing a secure method to store and tightly control access to sensitive data.
  • Amazon Web Services (AWS) Secrets Manager: This service helps users to protect access to applications, services, and IT resources, without the upfront investment and on-going maintenance costs of operating your own infrastructure.

What are the benefits of using data privacy vaults?

Advantages of data privacy vaults include:

  • Enhanced Security: Data vault security employ robust encryption, reducing the risk of data breaches and unauthorized access.
  • Compliance: Organizations using data privacy vaults demonstrate higher compliance rates with regulations like GDPR, reducing legal risks and potential fines.
  • Consumer Trust: Companies prioritizing data privacy, including the use of vaults, enjoy higher consumer trust and loyalty.
  • Operational Continuity: In emergencies, vaults ensure data availability, supporting business continuity and operational resilience.
  • Data Integrity: With strict access controls, privacy vaults maintain data integrity, ensuring accurate and reliable information for business operations.

Why are the disadvantages of data privacy vaults?

Though data protection vaults are a great way to enhance security, there are not crystal clear or without loopholes.

Below are few of the data privacy vault disadvantages:

#1 Manual Classification Challenge

Data privacy vaults necessitate a manual process to classify sensitive data, which can be labor-intensive and prone to human error.

Companies experiencing rapid growth, like startups transitioning into larger enterprises can face performance hitches, unable to scale their data processing swiftly with increasing data volume.

#2 Integration and Development Effort

Utilizing Software Development Kit (SDKs) for data operations within vaults demands significant development time and expertise, complicating system integration and reducing agility.

#3 System Complexity

Incorporating a data privacy vault introduces complexity into system architecture, necessitating dual data storage (original and tokenized) and potentially impacting system consistency and performance.

Financial institutions, dealing with multifaceted data structures may encounter difficulties in managing simultaneous access to encrypted and tokenized data, complicating straightforward data retrieval tasks.

#4 Time-Consuming Integration

The process of integrating a data privacy vault can extend over weeks, demanding considerable developer involvement and potentially delaying system updates, impacting overall system responsiveness and operational efficiency.

#5 Maintenance Overhead

Regular updates and maintenance of the vault system can require substantial resources and constant monitoring. Regular updates to the vault's software might require system downtime or additional staffing, disrupting business operations.

#6 Potential for Increased Latency

Accessing and decrypting data can introduce latency, affecting time-sensitive applications. Online payment platforms noticed transaction delays due to the time taken to decrypt data, affecting customer satisfaction and trust.

#7 Learning Curve

Teams may need to undergo significant training to effectively implement and manage the vault system. For example, a new staff may require extensive training to handle a vault's complexities, delaying productivity and potentially leading to errors.

How OptIQ can solve the problems of data privacy vaults ?

OptIQ can help you protect your sensitive data, without compromising integrity, unlike data privacy vaults. Here's how:

Automated Sensitive Data Tagging

Unlike traditional data privacy vaults that require manual intervention for tagging sensitive data, OptIQ leverages artificial intelligence.

This AI capability not only eliminates the labor-intensive task of manual tagging, but it also significantly reduces the risk of human error, ensuring more reliable data classification.

Agentless and Developer-friendly

Our solution operates in an agentless manner, meaning it can be easily integrated into any system without requiring substantial development efforts. This plug-and-play capability significantly reduces the time and resources required for system integration, increasing overall operational agility.

Maintained System Architecture and ACID Properties

Our solution doesn't require changes to the existing system architecture, avoiding the complexity introduced by traditional data privacy vaults. Furthermore, it ensures the maintenance of ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) properties, crucial for data reliability and performance.

Instant Integration

The integration process with our solution is fast and seamless, contrasting the weeks-long integration process of traditional data privacy vaults. This quick integration capability minimizes disruption to business operations and enhances system responsiveness.

Reduced Maintenance Overhead

OptIQ is designed for minimal maintenance, significantly reducing resources and time spent on system upkeep. This contrasts with traditional data privacy vaults that require regular updates and constant monitoring.

Minimal Latency

By optimizing the data access and decryption processes, our data security platform minimizes latency, ensuring high performance even for time-sensitive applications.

User-friendly and Minimal Learning Curve

OptIQ is designed to be user-friendly and does not require extensive training to implement and manage. This aspect reduces the learning curve often associated with traditional data vaults, leading to quicker productivity and fewer errors.

Protect Your Sensitive Data With No Headaches

Data privacy vaults are not a single stop answer to protecting sensitive data in your data sets or cloud environment.

With the many disadvantages of data privacy vaults highlighted above, they require much more resource and capital utilisation.

Schedule a demo with OptIQ to understand your data protection levels and the necessary safeguards required. Implement a state-of-the-art data security platform to better handle your sensitive data assets, prevent sensitive data exposure to unknown entities, and contain data breaches at scale.

Frequently asked questions

1. What are business vaults?

Business vaults refer to a layer within the Data Vault model that is specifically designed for business-facing data transformations. They store business rules, derived data, and aggregates to provide business users with actionable, easily understandable information.

Business vaults serve as an intermediary, translating raw, historical data from the Data Vault into a format that's readily usable for analytics and reporting, thereby enabling better decision-making and insight generation for businesses.

2. Why data privacy vaults not fully protect data?

They often require extensive manual setup and classification, which can lead to errors and inconsistencies in protecting sensitive data.

3. How do data privacy vaults impact system performance?

The complexity and encryption processes can introduce latency, potentially slowing down system performance and affecting user experience.

4. Are there alternatives to data privacy vaults for data protection?

Yes, more integrated and automated data protection solutions offer dynamic access controls and real-time monitoring without the drawbacks of traditional vaults. Schedule a demo to understand how OptIQ data security platform can help your organization.

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