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What is Access Control? 4 Types of Access Control Models

What is Access Control? 4 Types of Access Control Models

Harsh Sahu
April 2024 | 10 mins
what is access control, types of access control models
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With the expansion of cloud-based technologies, the way sensitive information is accessed within organizations has become increasingly complex. As businesses operate across multiple locations, the need for real-time access to critical information without compromising security is paramount.

In light of changing data security landscapes and escalating data breaches, access control models are now a crucial component of organizational data security strategies.

These models enable real-time authorization, ensuring secure access to an organization's sensitive assets. They adhere to the principle of least privilege and help in maintaining a security posture compliant with data privacy regulations.

This blog provides all the necessary information to help you decide which access control model is best for your organization.

What is Access Control in Cybersecurity?

Access control in cybersecurity is a security technique to control access to sensitive or restricted information by regulating who or what can users view or use resources in a computing environment.

It is a fundamental concept in security that minimizes risk to the system or the data it contains. With access control mechanism, only authorized users are allowed to access specific resources such as applications, databases, and networks.

Why Access Control is important?

Controlled access systems are essential because

#1 Prevents Unauthorized Access

Access control ensures that only authorized individuals can access specific resources, such as applications, databases, and networks, offering a solid line of defense against unauthorized intrusion.

#2 Compliance with Regulations

With proper access control measures, organizations can comply with data privacy regulations like PCI DSS, HIPAA, SOC 2, and ISO 27001, which require businesses to protect sensitive information.

#3 Reducing Risk of Data Breaches

Effective access control mechanisms minimize the risk of data breaches by preventing unauthorized users from accessing sensitive information.

#4 Principle of Least Privilege

Access control systems adhere to the principle of least privilege, meaning each user should have the minimum levels of access necessary to perform their job functions, reducing the potential for unauthorized access to sensitive data.

#5 Real-time Authorization

Access control models provide real-time authorization, ensuring secure and immediate access to an organization's sensitive assets, which is particularly crucial for organizations operating across multiple locations.

Now that we know what access controls are, let's switch our focus to the types of access control models.

What are Access Control Models?

Access control models are frameworks that dictate how subjects (users or processes) access objects (like files or networking resources). Cloud security access models enforce the policies for managing the access rights of a user or a system.

Examples of access control models include Mandatory Access Control (MAC), Discretionary Access Control (DAC), Role-Based Access Control (RBAC), and Attribute-Based Access Control (ABAC).

What are the components of access control models?

The components of access control models are

#1 Authentication

This is the first step in the access control process. It verifies the identity of the user trying to gain access. It typically involves a username and password, but can also involve other methods like biometrics or security tokens.

#2 Authorization

Once a user's identity is authenticated, the system then determines what permissions the user should have. This can involve checking an access control list to see what rights the user has to specific system resources.

#3 Access

After authorization, the system allows the user to access the resources they have permissions for. This could be files, databases, or other system resources.

#4 Management

This involves the ongoing maintenance and updating of the access control system. It includes tasks like adding and removing users, updating permissions, and ensuring the system remains secure.

#5 Audit

This is the process of reviewing logs and records to ensure that the system is functioning correctly. It helps to identify any unauthorized access attempts or other potential security issues.

What are the types of Access Control Models in Cybersecurity?

Four different types of Access Control Models in cybersecurity

Mandatory Access Control (MAC)

Mandatory Access Control (MAC) is a security model in which access rights and permissions are regulated by a central authority.

This model is typically utilized in organizations that require stringent data security such as government institutions and military organizations. The central access control and management in MAC dictates the access permissions, which are strictly enforced and cannot be modified by users.

Pros & Cons of Mandatory Access Control (MAC)

The main advantage of MAC is its high level of security. As access rights are strictly defined and enforced, the risk of unauthorized access or data leakage is significantly reduced. This makes MAC an ideal choice for organizations handling highly sensitive data.

However, the rigidity of MAC can also be a disadvantage. The strict controls can limit flexibility and hinder operational efficiency as changes to access permissions require intervention from the central authority.

This can make MAC less suitable for dynamic environments where access needs frequently change. Furthermore, the implementation and management of MAC can be complex and resource-intensive, which may not be feasible for all organizations.

Discretionary Access Control (DAC)

Discretionary Access Control (DAC) is a type of access control system where the data or resource owner determines who can access it. This model is characterized by its flexibility, as it allows the owners to grant or deny permissions at their discretion.

DAC is often used in environments where information sharing and collaboration are prioritized, such as in smaller, less hierarchical organizations or groups working on a shared project.

Pros & Cons of Discretionary Access Control (DAC)

Its flexibility facilitates collaboration and information sharing, as permissions can be adjusted quickly and easily to accommodate changing needs.

However, this flexibility can also be a disadvantage. Since DAC relies on the discretion of individual users, it can potentially lead to security vulnerabilities if a user unknowingly grants access to an unauthorized individual.

Moreover, as the size and complexity of an organization or system increases, managing access permissions can become more challenging due to the decentralized nature of DAC.

Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)

what is role based access control
Image: What is Role-Based Access Control?

Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) is an access control model that assigns permissions based on the roles within an organization.

Instead of assigning permissions to specific users, they are given to specific roles, and these roles are then assigned to users. This approach simplifies management and ensures consistency in the way access control is applied.

RBAC is commonly used in businesses and organizations of all sizes, especially those with a large number of users and complex permission requirements. It's particularly beneficial in environments where the roles are clearly defined and don't frequently change.

Pros & Cons of Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)

The advantages of RBAC include its simplicity and ease of management since permissions are managed at the role level rather than the individual level. It also provides a high level of control and can help ensure that only the necessary access is granted, reducing the risk of unauthorized access.

However, RBAC can be inflexible if the roles within an organization don't align neatly with access needs. For example, if a user needs access to a specific resource that is not typically part of their role, exceptions need to be made, which can complicate the management process. Additionally, it can be challenging to set up and manage RBAC in organizations where roles are not clearly defined or frequently change.

Attribute-Based Access Control (ABAC)

How abac works?
Image: How ABAC works?

Attribute-Based Access Control (ABAC) is an advanced access control model that takes into consideration multiple factors, or attributes, when determining who can access a resource.

These attributes can include user characteristics such as department, job role, and location, as well as other contextual factors like time of access and type of network connection.

ABAC is commonly used by organizations that require dynamic and granular access control. These can include large enterprises, government institutions, and industries that handle sensitive data such as healthcare and finance.

Pros and Cons of Attribute-Based Access Control (ABAC)

One of the main advantages of ABAC is its flexibility. It can accommodate complex access control needs and allows for real-time adjustments based on changing contexts. This makes it particularly suitable for environments where access requirements are not static and depend on a variety of variables.

Another benefit is its fine-grained control. ABAC allows organizations to define precise access policies that match their security requirements. This reduces the risk of over-provisioning, where users are given more access than needed, which can lead to potential security breaches.

However, one of the main challenges of ABAC is its complexity. Implementing and managing ABAC requires a deep understanding of the organization's access control needs and the ability to translate these needs into attribute-based policies. This can be a resource-intensive process that requires dedicated security expertise.

OptIQ has simplified the use of Attribute Based Access Control (ABAC) by providing an easy-to-use comprehensive dashboard for policy management and implementation.

Request a demo to understand how OptIQ can help you in protecting your sensitive data via ABAC.

Other Types of Data Access Control Models

#1 Policy Based Access Control (PBAC)

Policy Based Access Control (PBAC) is an access control model that uses business policies to define and manage the entities that can access certain resources. These policies can include factors such as the identity of the user, the type of resource, the time of access, and other contextual information.

PBAC is commonly used by organizations that require dynamic, scalable, and flexible access control. It is particularly beneficial for large enterprises with complex access control needs, as it allows for the central management and enforcement of access policies across different systems and platforms.

Pros of PBAC

  • It provides a high level of granularity and flexibility in defining access control policies.
  • It can be easily scaled and adapted to meet changing business requirements.
  • It supports automation and can reduce the administrative burden of managing access rights.

Cons of PBAC

  • It can be complex to set up and manage, as it requires a deep understanding of the organization's business policies and access control needs.
  • It may require significant resources to implement, especially in large and complex organizations.
  • If not properly managed, the flexibility of PBAC can potentially lead to security vulnerabilities.

#2 Rules Based Access Control (RuBAC)

Rules Based Access Control (RuBAC) is a type of access control that determines access rights based on a set of predefined rules. These rules are based on certain conditions or constraints, such as the time of day or the location of the user.

RuBAC is often used in environments where access needs to be strictly regulated based on specific conditions. For example, in a corporate setting, certain resources might only be accessible during regular business hours.

Pros and cons of Rules Based Access Control (RuBAC)

RuBAC can offer a high level of security by restricting access based on specific conditions. It can also provide a consistent approach to access control, as the rules are predefined and uniformly applied.

The main disadvantage of RuBAC is its inflexibility. If the rules are too rigid or not well-defined, it can limit legitimate access or allow unauthorized access. Also, managing and updating the rules can be complex and time-consuming.

#3 Identity-Based Access Control (IBAC)

Identity-Based Access Control (IBAC) is an access control model that grants permissions based on the identity of the user. The system checks the identity of the user against a list of authorized identities before granting access.

IBAC is commonly used in systems where individual accountability is important. For example, in a banking system, access to financial transactions might be granted based on the identity of the bank employee.

Pros and cons of Identity-Based Access Control (IBAC)

IBAC can provide a high level of security by ensuring that only authorized individuals have access. It also allows for individual accountability, as each access can be traced back to a specific user.

The main disadvantage of IBAC is the complexity involved in managing individual identities, especially in large systems. Also, if the identity of a user is compromised, it can lead to unauthorized access.

#4 History-Based Access Control (HBAC)

History-Based Access Control (HBAC) is a type of access control that determines access rights based on the user's history. For example, a user might be granted access to a resource based on their past behavior or activities.

HBAC is often used in environments where the historical behavior of users is a good indicator of their future actions. For example, in a credit scoring system, a user's access to credit might be determined based on their credit history.

Pros and cons of History-Based Access Control (HBAC)

HBAC can provide a dynamic approach to access control by considering the user's history. It can also be used to detect and prevent suspicious activities.

The main disadvantage of HBAC is the complexity involved in tracking and analyzing user history. Also, it might not be effective in cases where past behavior is not a good indicator of future actions.

What are the differences between RBAC and ABAC?

The differences between RBAC and ABAC is highlighted below

  • RBAC (Role-Based Access Control) is static and context-insensitive. This means it does not take into account any variables or conditions outside of the assigned roles when granting access. On the other hand, ABAC (Attribute-Based Access Control) is dynamic and context-sensitive, meaning it considers multiple factors or attributes, including user characteristics and contextual factors like time of access or type of connection, when determining who can access a resource.
  • RBAC provides coarse-grained access control, which means access permissions are granted to large groups or roles within an organization. Conversely, ABAC provides fine-grained access control, allowing for more specific and detailed access permissions. This granularity in ABAC allows for more precise control over who has access to what, and under what conditions.
  • RBAC is a single-factored access control model, meaning access is granted based solely on the role of a user. ABAC, however, is a multi-factored access control model. It takes into account multiple attributes, such as a user's role, location, time of access, and even the type of device they're using to request access.
  • RBAC is an inflexible access control model as it strictly ties access permissions to roles. If a user's access needs don't align with their assigned role, it can be difficult to make exceptions. In contrast, ABAC is a flexible access control model as it can cater to complex and dynamic access needs, allowing for real-time adjustments based on changing contexts.

Attribute based access control system is superior to RBAC. To understand how ABAC works, check out this blog post.

What are the differences between RBAC and DAC?

The differences between RBAC and DAC include

  • Assignment of Permissions: In RBAC (Role-Based Access Control), permissions are assigned based on the roles within an organization. Users are assigned roles, and these roles are given permissions. In contrast, DAC (Discretionary Access Control) allows the owners of the data or resource to determine who can access it. They can grant or deny permissions at their discretion.
  • Flexibility: DAC is more flexible than RBAC since it allows the owners to adjust permissions quickly and easily to accommodate changing needs. However, this flexibility can potentially lead to security vulnerabilities if a user unknowingly grants access to an unauthorized individual. RBAC, on the other hand, is less flexible as it strictly ties access permissions to roles.
  • Management: RBAC simplifies management since permissions are managed at the role level rather than the individual level. In DAC, as the size and complexity of an organization or system increases, managing access permissions can become more challenging due to its decentralized nature.
  • Security: RBAC provides a high level of control and can help ensure that only the necessary access is granted, reducing the risk of unauthorized access. DAC, however, relies on the discretion of individual users, which can lead to security vulnerabilities.

What is the importance of Access Control in Regulatory Compliance?

Access control models play a crucial role in ensuring regulatory compliance with various laws:

PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard)

It mandates businesses to implement strong access control measures to protect cardholder data. Access control models help in defining who can access this sensitive data, thereby aiding in PCI DSS compliance.

HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act)

It requires healthcare organizations to protect patient data. Access control models can help these organizations limit who can access medical records, thereby meeting HIPAA's requirements.

SOC 2 (System and Organization Controls 2)

It mandates the implementation of strict access controls for organizations offering SaaS products. With access control models, these organizations can control who can access their systems, thus ensuring SOC 2 compliance.

ISO 27001 (International Organization for Standardization 27001)

It requires organizations to manage and control access to their information. Access control models help in defining this access, thereby supporting ISO 27001 compliance.

GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation)

It requires businesses to protect the personal data and privacy of EU citizens. By implementing access control models, businesses can control who can view or use this data, aiding in GDPR compliance.

CCPA (California Consumer Privacy Act)

It gives California residents more control over their personal information. Access control models can assist organizations in managing access to this data, thereby complying with CCPA.

DPDP (Digital Personal Data Protection Act )

It mandates businesses to protect the privacy of personal data. Access control models can help businesses define who can access this data, thereby ensuring compliance with DPDP.

What type of access control works best for your organization?

Different organizations have varying needs when it comes to access control, depending on their size, industry, and specific security requirements. For instance, a small business with a relatively simple organizational structure might find a Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) model sufficient and straightforward.

However, a mid size or a large enterprise in a heavily regulated industry might need the granularity and flexibility of an Attribute-Based Access Control (ABAC) model. In the face of an evolving data landscape and rising data breaches, having flexible data access management is crucial.

The most secure organizations are those that can adapt their access controls promptly and appropriately to changing circumstances and threats. This is where ABAC shines. ABAC allows for dynamic control, taking into account a multitude of factors, or attributes, when determining who can access a resource.

This means access permissions can adjust in real-time, based on changing contexts or risks, providing a highly secure and adaptable access control solution.

OptIQ: The Modern Access Control Software

OptIQ is a modern access control software that uses Attribute-Based Access Control (ABAC) to protect an organization's sensitive assets. ABAC is a dynamic model that determines access rights based on multiple attributes. These can include user characteristics, such as department, job role, and location, as well as other contextual factors like time of access and type of network connection.

This means that OptIQ can provide you with precise, granular control over who can access what resources under what conditions. The flexibility of ABAC allows for real-time adjustments based on changing contexts, making it particularly suitable for environments where access requirements are not static and depend on a variety of variables.

Moreover, the use of ABAC in OptIQ simplifies policy management and implementation via a unified access management dashboard, making it an easy-to-use yet powerful tool for data security.

Schedule a demo to understand how OptIQ’s ABAC can help you save sensitive data, protect individual privacy, let you manage and govern over users with custom build policies.

Frequently asked questions

1. What is access control in security?

Access control in security is a technique that regulates who or what can view or use resources in a computing environment. It's a fundamental concept that minimizes risk to the system or data it holds by ensuring only authorized users are allowed to access specific resources such as applications, databases, and networks. It involves authenticating the user's identity, authorizing their access rights, and managing these permissions.

2. What is RBAC in cybersecurity?

RBAC, or Role-Based Access Control, in cybersecurity is an access control model that assigns permissions based on the roles within an organization. Instead of assigning permissions to specific users, they are given to specific roles, and these roles are then assigned to users.

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