Govern Sensitive Data
OptIQ empowers security teams with comprehensive visibility into data movements and usage, providing alerts for violations of data residency requirements for regulated data. We ensure effective compliance through robust data policies.
Built by the team that has helped secure
Identify real threats to your data
Threat detection solutions that monitor infrastructure or endpoints may not detect all data threats, especially when bad actors use compromised credentials. Rubrik Data Detection and Response (DDR) monitors data at its source, eliminating blind spots and alerting you to suspicious data activity before it’s too late.

Detect Threats Early

Get alerted to anomalous and suspicious data access and activity as soon as it occurs

Eliminate Blind Spots

Monitor data at its source to eliminate blind spots encountered with other solutions.

Respond to Incidents Faster

Take action quickly by using critical insights such as what data was compromised and which entities accessed that data.

Govern Sensitive Data With AI
Empowering security teams to effectively govern critical data assets.
Identify Risks With Access Graph
Know who has access to what type of sensitive data, apply least privilege access, and identify stale access. Security team can easily identify risky access and limit the scope and damage of security incidents. Monitoring data access also helps in complying with GDPR and CCPA.
Custom Data Policies
OptIQ empowers security team with customizable data policies that enforce zero-trust principle. Monitor data usage, handling, and define policy scopes with precision, adding restrictions based on location, user, or geography to mitigate risks effectively.
Easy Compliance Monitoring
OptIQ's compliance monitoring toolkit simplifies regulatory compliance for security engineers. With pre-built policies covering major regulations such as PCI-DSS, HIPAA, and GDPR, businesses can achieve compliance swiftly and effectively.

Maximum protection. Zero disruption.
Rapid deployment.

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Data Governance and Compliance in the Modern Data Stack

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Let us show how OptIQ can protect sensitive data, even when data is at rest or in motion.
For Fast Growing Businesses
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